Download Generate WordPress Theme
Generate WordPress Theme from from StudioPress is a mobile responsive premium WordPress child theme which works on Genesis Theme FrameWork. Generate theme is best suitable if you want to use it for personal blog or any new or information sharing website. The flexibility and power of Genesis provides you great asset, Such as used on personal marketing business blog site. The modern theme comes with various useful features like best responsive layout, 4 different color schemes, 6 unique layout options, fully customizable backgrounds, featured images, custom widgets, support for threaded comments and lot more. Thus the clean theme offers you all advantage which you might expect from a modern theme.Generate WordPress Child Theme :
The Genesis Theme Framework is an easily customizable WP framework which offers modern features like various layout options for each page and posts, good collection of widgets, framework update directly from dashboard, built in SEO setting options, more than 40 custom coded hooks and easily customize theme admin panel and lot more.Genesis Theme Framework Features :
Price :
For Generate Child Theme : $24.95
For Generate Child Theme + Genesis Theme FrameWork : $79.95
StudiPress Pro Plus – All Theme Package: $299.95
Demo | Generate WordPress Child Theme
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